Exterior Painting


Residential Exterior Painting

Never underestimate the impact a fresh, clean coat of paint can make to the outside of your home! It doesn’t matter if we’re working with wood siding, vinyl, cedar shingles, stucco, brick or wood trim. HM Home Improvement inc expert painters have years of experience painting every kind of outdoor material.

Our first priority is to make sure we don’t totally disrupt your day. After you book your painting job, our office will set up a call before your project date to go over all details: Schedule a day for the house to be pressure washed in preparation for the painting, by removing mildew and mold. Email you a video introduction of the field manager in charge of your project, so when we arrive you are already familiar with the crew. Confirm paint color and details. Ask you to move patio furniture and potted plants. Lastly, answer questions you have about your painting project.

Total commitment to all details, high quality and 100% customer satisfaction

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